Monday, October 9, 2017

New Beginning ~~~ Again!!

I don't have time to really rehash what was, but here's a snippet of what's happened so far...

Prior to 2010 I was 274 pounds, sedentary, on a bunch of meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, sick and very unhappy.

What got me started.....
1.) I gave myself 1 year to see if I could lose weight.
2.) Got proof that very large people can lose weight, by watching the Biggest Loser....(Since I was told by doctors that once you are fat you will always be fat and I thought that was true. Watching BL I found that it was possible  to get it off....but it's the keeping it off thing that is the hard part.)
3.) Heard that there is "NO MAGIC" - You just have to "Move More and Eat Less!!" 

So I got started. Cut out fast food and soda, yes, even diet soda, started exercising and quickly lost 50 pounds.

I was so happy and really having fun with the process until one of my so called blog "friend" said, "Oh you just wait, you will hit the wall and it won't be fun anymore". That very day, it was no longer fun because of what she said.  B*&$%!!!

Anyway, I kept it up and lost another 24 pounds in the next years and I started running. For some reason, I did not really understand that lifting weights, running and building muscle could equate to weight gain. I was looking great, but started to freak because my weight was going up instead of down.

So I did a very stupid thing. I got started on a crazy low calorie diet (not mentioning which one, but if you look back you can figure it out.)  I did that for another couple of years and in total, I had lose 94 pounds, ran 10 half marathons and bunch of 10k's and 5k's and did a sprint triathlon. All the while eating very few calories and exercising a lot!!

Two summers ago, my body crashed. All my reserves were gone and I could no longer run, my mind was all fuzzy and I got really sick!! Doctors said I did not do it right and instead of making my body healthy and fit, I just got myself a lot sicker.


The only thing that I've done is I have been able to walk at least 15 miles per week, but it's been a struggle!!

My food is off, water is off, vitamins are sporadic, my head is so not in the game.


Today is supposed to be my day to get back on track and then my walking buddy cancels on me.

WOO HOO!! I'm the hook today!!


Girl - If not today, when????

It's almost noon, it's beautiful out, I've had my lunch and water and I'm gettin' my workout clothes on and I'm heading the door!!

Keep Moving!!!

UPDATE: Just got back - 3.6 miles (walk)  at lunch, then 2 mile walk in the evening. Great food day and got all my water in!! WOO HOO!!

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