Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to Normal!!!

Another week down and I'm back to last year's weight (205.8). If I keep it up I should be in wonderland in about 3 weeks. I have not been at that weight for over 32 years!!  Can't wait to see 199!!!!!

Last year at 205 pounds I felt pretty skinny.  This year....not so much. Glad I'm no longer comfortable here.  Ready to move on!!!!

Yesterday I had a pretty emotional day.  Usually when I have a day like that. I would turn to my "comforts" - food!  Instead of going there I busied myself with other things.  I've been doing this behavior for quite a while, so yesterday's moment of wanting to go out and find junk only lasted a very short time. The more I practice turning my attention elsewhere. The easier its getting to distract myself from food.  I finally have other "comforts" I can turn to.  Example - my Hubby, Family and Friends are great to turn to. My doggies, Bentley and Beemer are always ready for love and hugs. I have a fun game I like to play. OK I love it. Not gonna lie.  Reading is a good comfort as long as I don't get too snugly...that can cause me to think of food.  Also, because I have more energy I'm having fun in my house. Who knew how fun it CAN be to clean, sort and redecorate things.   I also have flower gardens to tend and of course my sewing projects. So I have many distractions!! Who has time to be bogged down with stuffing my face, which always makes me feel bad after I'm done.  These other things bring me much joy!!!

I hope to be posting 199 pound pictures soon!!!  

Making it happen!!!

How about you are you making you Goals happen?  Lets do it!!!!

Keep focused!!!!


  1. Glad to see you are back at it Joy! Nice work getting involved in other things so that you do not eat emotionally! Look forward to your progress!

  2. Great job turning you mind to something else other than comfort food. I need to work on this too. I'm in the process of outlining items I'd like to put more "focus" on and will post it by tonight. 3 weeks to wonderland...I'm with ya! Let's do it!!!
