Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Excited for 2014

I have spent a good part of my life feeling like I’m behind and working hard to get where I want to go…To be the woman I’m supposed to be…. 

Physically I was behind because my weight and fitness were out of control. I was not the woman I wanted to be…. 

Mentally I was behind…well because I always thought there was something wrong with me. I had fears and inadequacies that stopped me from being the woman I wanted to be…..


Spiritually I was behind because I did not know the Bible well enough. Did not know my Lord well enough…. I was not the woman I wanted to be…. 

For the first time in my life….I FINALLY do not feel like I’m behind. I am right where I'm supposed to be. I AM THE WOMAN I WANT TO BE!!! 

My weight is…not in the normal range….YET!!! But I’m so close that it feels achievable!! I no longer feel that I can’t do it. I can and I will reach this goal!! 

My fitness level is better than it’s been since I was a kid!! I can run, walk, skip, jump rope, do jumping jacks, burpies….(don’t like em, but I can do them!!), I can water ski and surf, row, lift weights, swim, bike and garden and and and…..I can do so many things!!! 

My mind is healthy! I don’t fear like I used to. I don’t feel inadequate or lacking. I like people, they like me. I give out of our abundance and lack. I’m creative and have an awesome outlook of life! 

Spiritually….I am humbled…..So grateful to the Lord for all He has given me. Delighted for His teachings, lessons, discipline, guidance, love, joy, grace, mercy and so much more!!! 

I am optimistic for 2014!! For me, this is a turning point year! Goals will be met. New challenges and risks will be taken. New friend will be met. Old Friends will be contacted.  Broken relationships will be mended. New places will be visited. Doors will be opened!!! 

Life will be lived!! 

How about you….Are you taking 2014 on? Do you have goals set? Are you ready to change your life? Are you ready to live?? 

Join me in making this the best year ever!! 

Have a fit day!




  1. Joy, it's been a while since I checked in. So glad to see you are doing well! Here's to a healthy 2014!

  2. Hi Joy. You are so inspirational. Thank-you for being you.

    Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year ..... prosprous in the broadest sense of the word :)


  3. Hi! i'm optimistic for 2014 too! and glad it's underway :O) keep your chin up and one foot in front of the other. sometimes it's too easy to focus on what we think are our short comings but truth be told - we do the very best we can each and every day!

  4. Joy! Glad to see you are building on 2013's successes and heading into 2014 with saddles blazing :) haha, got a little carried away there, but it is true. I am turning 29 on Saturday, so I am trying to come up with a 30 before 30 list of goals!
