Monday, May 21, 2012

Stretching Myself (Part 2)

Really really REALLY did not think I could do this....First of all, I just finish a 1/2 Marathon last weekend and since then, I was nursing a sore knee. Besides the pain of that, I had an extremely busy week. So I did not feel prepared, physically or mentally, for my next adventure. So doing this event and the other things that came into play really stretched me to my limit!!! I would be doing this all by myself....NO SUPPORT from family or friends.....going on the train to Portland (which is scary)....not was push my body to new limits!!!!

Even though I did not feel prepared, I was alone and I was scared...


So with my trusty running gear, I set out for another 1/2 Marathon!!!

Always have Margene in my pocket!! Because if she can do hard can I!!

Getting on the train is not that big of deal. It's getting off and finding your destination that's hard. But not to worry, I just had to follow all of the other crazies out there to find the race. Unfortunately, I got there about 10 minutes (poor planning) before the race started and I needed to go to the bathroom. But the lines were too long, I could not chance it. Then I got my I-Phone set up for my tunes and it would not connect. I started to panic because I could not do this without my music! Fortunately there was a lady there who assured me that it was most likely that everyone was doing the same thing and it should connect soon. Which it did ~ Whew!!!!!

Because there were thousands of people there, they sent us off in packs. The race started at 8:00am, but my pack did not take off until 8:15 or so.

Then to make things really fun, it started to rain.

Fortunately I did wear the proper clothing and I was perfectly warm the whole way.

My plan was....because I was not really supposed to be in this race, was to run my scheduled 4 miles (for my training) and then walk the rest of the way.

My knee did pretty well, only had trouble on mile 11 (what's up with that mile...I really struggle there) and I only walked a couple of minutes the whole time. I can't for some reason, run and drink the water or sports drink, I can only walk while doing that. Oh and then I had to stop for some lights....but the rest of the time, I ran. THE WHOLE WAY!!!!

Came in at 3 hrs and 32 minutes!!!!


Now I'm focused on my final 1/2 Marathon of the year and that is on June 9th.

How about you...How was your weekend?

Keep focused!


  1. YAY! And you got good bling! I race for the bling. It's a sickness. A medal is the best bling there is! (Although there is a race here in october where you get an engraved glass beer stein. We'll see how that compares.)

    Mile 11 is bad for me too, I'm not sure what it is. It was mile 16 and 22 on my marathon. WTG doing the second race!

  2. Wow! Way to go!! I'm excited to be able to do races. My goal is to do a 5K this fall and then be able to do more races next summer... maybe even a 1/2 marathon?! Who knows what next summer will bring! :)

  3. AMAZING!!! You truly pushed through and triumphed!!!
    I have heard tale that Mile 11 for many runners is a problem - interesting!
    Rockin' my socks!

  4. Oh my gosh!! I didn't know you were doing ANOTHER half so soon! You are so CRAZY AWESOME!!! How amazing is that!!! Seriously, I am blown away. Was this a sneaky one, where you didn't tell anyone? Was there anyone to greet you when you were done? How did this all come about?
    You are a rockstar!!
    You CAN do hard things, girl!!
    ROCK ON Beautiful!!

    Amazed at you...

  5. Congratulations. That's a great effort. You are certainly making some good notches in your belt. Great memories of your milestones and success.


  6. wow Joy...that is awesome!
    Great job!

  7. Awesome job!!! Crazy Awesome is right!! and inspirational! BTW...I'm gonna steal the bumper sticker below (you are an athlete; are thinking like one?). CHin up...xoxo

  8. AMAZING!!! Great job!! And so soon after the last one!!!
