Sunday, September 2, 2012

Procrastination vs. Victory!?!

I am training for the Run Like Hell 1/2 Marathon that is scheduled in October. I have been on track for my weekly training runs ~ On Tuesday and Thursday I run a 5k's each day and on Friday's I walk 2 miles. Of course I do my other workouts during the week as usual. Anyway.....Each Sunday I'm supposed to run a distance. First Sunday was 3 miles...for problem! Then each Sunday the distance is supposed to increase. If you're really smart, you would start 3+ months before your race and really work it so when you need to run 13.1's no problem!

When I trained for my first 1/2 marathon, I did just that with no problem. I was very obedient to my training schedule and I did what I was asked to do. Because of all that work and dedication, I was in such great shape that I could and did run three 1/2 marathons in 5 weeks. Crazy, but I did it!!

So I got my calendar out and set up my training time. I did pretty well until I hit the weeks that I needed to run 6.5 miles & 8 miles. The only thing saving me, is I did very well with my weekly running training. So all is not lost.

Anyway, I'm behind on my long distance training....

Right now...I should be at mile at 9.5 miles. Unfortunately I'm facing 7 miles today.

I'm really behind!!

I'm really feeling the pressure!!

Kind of feeling like I need to quit. I'm too far from where I need to be to be ready for this race!! Kind of tired of trying to catch up.....

This picture was taken by mistake and I almost deleted it. But there's something about it that brings me excitement. It's me, while I was doing a 5k run for an (8/22) Intel event. I'm happy and smiling, I've got my head up and I'm focused. I'm running toward the finish!! I'm running to victory!!

This morning, as I have been procrastinating to get my 7 miles in. I'm feeling really behind and a little defeated. I get to make a decision about whether I'm going to let this procrastination get me another day.

Or I get to decided that I'm racing for victory!!

Here's what victory looks like:

Look at our faces. We are happy ~ We got it done!!!

Without doing the work today....I will not see that face on race day in October.

Without doing the work today...I will not see victory!!

So bye - bye procrastination. I'm racing for victory!!

How about you. Will you let procrastination stop you from reaching your victory?

Keep focused!!

Update ~ I got it done ~ 1 Hr 40 Min ~ 7 Miles = VICTORY!!!


  1. Good for you for keeping up with the training. My advice was going to be train anyway and keep on training. You can decide on race day if the training was adequate, rather than letting a schedule tell you now.

    You have got incredible mental toughness. Good for you!!!!!

  2. I know you and you're NOT A QUITTER! I'm so proud of you. And by the way, you look great! I love the picture of you running. You look like the athlete that you are!

    Love to you sweet friend!

  3. I hope you got my message, I just sent you one,but I had to sign in and it threw me to another screen. Just in case you didn't, I'm so proud of and inspired by you!

  4. First, YAY FOR VICTORY. Very inspirational post. You have a great attitude. Second, I absolutely love the picture of you running. Especially with the sun rays illuminating your face.

    Good stuff!

  5. I've been away from blog land for a long time. I am sitting here smiling over the fact that you've become a runner! I've been running as well and just completed my first half marathon. It makes me happy that we are both running. Keep up the good work and thank you for visiting my blog even though I've been a flaky "on again off again" blogger!
