Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Workin' it together!!

How cool is this. So this morning I'm on my treadmill running my fastest 5k ever ~ 13.68 minutes per mile. Wow that blasts out my 18 minute mile on  my last 8k!! Hey I'm working this thing and I want to get faster. Looks like I can do it!! So fun!!

Anyway, I'm running along and in comes my handsome hubby all decked out in his bike gear. He's been riding his bike to work every day!! Such a stud!

He's working towards riding the Seattle to Portland event next year and I'm working towards the Run Like Hell 1/2 Marathon in October.

So fun getting fit together!!

How about you? What are you working towards?

Focus on your goals!!!


  1. Nice job!! I'm training for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon weekend in January. I have a couple of 5Ks in the meantime but that's my main focus. How cool that hubby is getting fit with you...I dream of that happening with my hubby :)

  2. I am adding a couple more workouts each week to help me reach my goal of about 25 more pounds lost. I have lost 47 and am ready to get the rest of it off. Take care.

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