Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Reason for Good Health

I am truly grateful for doctors and medications, but I really only want to see a doctor for regular illnesses and I only want to take medication if it is absolutely necessary. I just can't tolerate most drugs. Because of my weight I am forced to take medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol. So far I can tolerate the blood pressure meds, but I just can't take the cholesterol meds. They make me sick!!

Last year I started on a cholesterol drug and got so fatigued I ended up getting really sick, that's when I was diagnosed with Hemi Facial Spasms. (Fatigue and stress triggers the spasms.) Because of the spasms the doctors were not sure what was happening, so they decided to take me off of all my meds. It was wonderful, I started feeling human again. I had energy, focus & clarity of mind and a real zest for life. I felt so good and sane that I decided it was time to focus on weight loss and getting healthy again.

This past year, every time I would see my doctor, she was always pushing me to take cholesterol meds. I told her what I'm doing and that I had actually lost weight, but unfortunately my blood work does not reflect a significant enough change for her. There is improvement, but the blood work is still border line and the doctor wanted better results.

So I agreed to start on a new drug on March 1st. The very next day I had a low grade headache that would not go away and each day I would get more and more fatigued. My workouts were pathetic. I could barely do what my trainer asked me to do. Weeks prior I was like a "machine". But since starting the drug I had nothing left to push through. I also was not able to stay up until bedtime. I was going to bed at 8:00pm (or earlier or I would take naps)and getting up at 6:30 instead of my usual 5:00am. Then the worst part was my face started ticking again and I would have bursts of pain in my left cheek - The start of the facial spasms. I also realized my enthusiasm for my weight loss and health plan was waning. I really just did not give a rip anymore. Too tired to care...Augh!

So on March 25th, without my doctor's permission, I took myself off of the drug. Since then my energy has been restored. I feel like the "machine" again!! The headache has subsided - still there - but getting better each day. No more pain in my cheek and only a little tick once in a while. The best part is I am back on my plan ~ ready, focused, and excited out of my mind ~ grateful to feel good again!!!!

This is just another reason why I need to get healthy!! My goal is to get my blood pressure and cholesterol under control and in the normal range. Another reason why I can't quit ~ A perfect reason to stay on task and to reach the goal!!

What reason do you have to get to your total health and fitness goal?


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