Friday, November 19, 2010

Do you need to change your story?

Every day we hear and see millions of things, people, trees, flowers, words and phrases. Most of them we register in our brains and file away the information we hear and see. Some of the information is useful, some not. I saw this phrase the other day, that stuck out and registered something big in my brain. So big, I had written it down. It was something I needed to reflect on, something that might change my life. This phrase held something I needed to face...something big...I just could not face it...not that day!

Since then, that phrase has been bugging me...

I've had it on a little Post It Note in my schedule book and I see it everyday. I just keep shuffling it around all of the other "important" stuff I have to do. Every time I see it, I'm like, "Not today, can't face it", and I reshuffle it back to the bottom.

Well today, is the day ~ I'm going to face it. No longer am I going to push it back under the other things, that are "less" important than this one phrase. Now I have a burning passion to really look at this and analyze it ~ Once and for all....

And that phrase is....

(Holding Breath!)

"Do you have a story in your head about why you can't lose weight and achieve your health and fitness goals?"

Oh boy, do I have stories....I have some real ones that I've lived with for almost 45 years. Mostly the self talk of why I can't goes way back to my childhood - I have to tell you I am far from that time - no need to hang on to those stories anymore!! And I have made up some stories, some real whoppers, to keep me safe from doing the work I need to do to really reach my potential of what I was created to do. Easier to hide behind a ton of weight ~ no risk there, than it is to put myself out in the world and achieve what I'm SUPPOSED to do.

Do I really need to list all of my stories of why I can't do this? Do I really need to or want to drudge them up, once again...validate them again...relive them again? NO! I don't have to do that. You could probably write mine. I'm guessing we have a lot of the same ones!

Let me just list a few.....

I'm not worthy...

I don't deserve to be healthy...

My mom/dad did not like me...

I was molested as a child...

My parents got divorced...

My husband left me...

I'm not loved...

I'm not lovable...

My husband tells me.....

I don't have the support I need...

If I lose weight, I might not remain faithful to my spouse...

My husband likes me fat....(REALLY?)

I don't deserve it....

I'm too busy...

I can't do it...

I'm not that big...

If I do get healthy, I will be expected to do more...

I don't think I look so bad...

Fat Grandma's / Grandpa's are better...

I really like my armor of fat, I feel protected...

Being overweight is not a BIG DEAL...

I'm too embarrassed to go to the gym...

I don't look so bad...(At 274 pounds there were times when I felt tiny - WHAT A LIE!!!)

I don't know how to lose weight...

I don't have the energy...

I'm sick...

There are so many more stories I could list. But you know your story. You know what you're thinking. You know what you're holding on to and what's keeping you from achieving you health and fitness goals. I know mine!

The thing that I've been thinking about and what is bugging me is ~ Is my story true? Do I really believe it? Is it reality? Do I really want to hang on to it for one more minute?

NO!! My story is a lie!!!! I'm holding myself back! There is no compelling reason why I can't get this done. There is nothing in my way...nothing but me!!!

It is time for me to face this issue. It's time for me to put my old story away. I need to rethink the way I think about myself and I need to change my story ~ Forever!!

How about you? Do you need to change your story?

Don't forget to check out my guest post at Sarah's blog!!!

Keep focused!!!


  1. I can say that I've had 12 of those ones in my own head before!

  2. wow, well said and you know what they say, "we are our own worst enemy" and it's so true. Good luck to you.


  3. as always Joy, you are spot on. What incredible motivation you provide to your readers, especially at a stretch when it's so incredibly, flippin' hard to stay on plan.

  4. I can totally relate to a lot of those stories, but they're usually articulated as "why bother". What a ridiculous statement, no?! I'm looking forward to reading your guest post - thanks for moving that PostIt up on the prioirity list! ;)

  5. Hi Joy,

    Yes, like you, I have a lot of stories that go way back to my childhood. Yes, even as a child I struggled with my weight, but I'm not a child anymore. Putting away the excuses is very empowering. This is the time of the year when we all may struggle a bit more. Thanks for the nudge into reality. I need to hear this type of truth often.

  6. Everyone has an excuse or a story...turn your excuse in to an amazing story of overcoming struggles and showing the strength that you have to accomplish something great.

  7. Yup - I have absolutely felt or thought some of those things at some point. But Dawn is right - turn the excuse into a success story!
