Saturday, August 13, 2011


Making changes in your life can be hard. Even if the changes you want and/or need to make are good and beneficial to your life. Changing is still hard to do!!

I was talking to someone today, who if they made some changes, small ones, it would enhance their life, maybe open some doors, and maybe it would lead to something significant in their life. Making these small changes ~ COULD BE, FOREVER, LIFE CHANGING!

As we were talking I could see the flicker of hope flash in their eyes for just a moment and then it was as if I could see their heels digging in, the flicker died and the excuses started coming in.


All I was suggesting were small changes. That's it!

Then all of a sudden, I started thinking about me.....the small changes I need to do to make this weight loss and fitness thing work.

HEY!!! I was not talking about me.......was I?


There ARE some things....OK some changes I need to make in order to reach my goals.  Lets just list a few.

  • Stop thinking you deserve food as an award ~ YOUR REWARD IS REACHING YOUR GOALS!
  • Stop fudging and trying to get a little bit more food ~ YOU ARE NOT EATING FOR LOVE, ACCEPTANCE OR ANYTHING ELSE, YOU ARE EATING FOR FUEL!
  • Stop procrastinating ~ GET THIS DONE!!!
  • Stop thinking you are going to get an injury ~ PUSH YOURSELF, YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH!
  • Quit being ridiculous in how you think about yourself ~ STOP IT, YOU ARE OK!!!
  • Stop setting yourself up for failure. (I've almost given myself the freedom to over eat in the evenings. Somewhere in my beady brain, I think it's OK, I'm mean I'm eating good food, JUST TO MUCH OF IT, and I'm pushing myself past my calorie goal) ~ STAY FOCUSED.....ALL DAY....GET DISCIPLINED!!!
Those are my simple changes I need to make. These changes could enhance my life, they could open some doors, maybe they could lead to some significant things, adventures, opportunities, in my life. IT COULD BE, FOREVER, LIFE CHANGING ~ If only I would quit digging my heels in and get this done!

THAT'S IT! If I ask for someone else to make some changes, then I had better be willing to make some changes of my own.

Enough said!

How about you....are you digging your heels in....are you avoiding the changes you need to make to reach your goals? Join me today and lets get this done. ARE YOU WITH ME?

Keep focused!!!!!


  1. That's so funny. I hate it when people ask for my advice then start making excuses why they can't follow the advice. It drives me crazy!! I always have to remember I have 3 fingers pointing back at me when I point the finger at them. I do that all the time! Make excuses.

    Thanks for the advice on the renter's insurance. I lost 100 lbs sans a gym, so I know it can be done. I have just loved not walking in the heat the past 30 days. I purchased a Groupon for 30 days a while back. That's the only reason I even started going to a gym. The insurance stays.

    Why have you never commented before?? I love your blog!

  2. I'm completely with you. I agree I've been digging my heels in when all I need to do is make small changes that could change my life. Good luck with your changes.

  3. I'm so with ya. I've been trying to think before I eat "Do I really want the consequences down the road that will come from eating this?" I've been down that road!

    Rationalizing is so yesterday! Or I'm trying to make it yesterday!! Trying to get real with it myself. On ward and upward girlfriend!!


  4. love this post Joy. I'm with you. goal is the reward. Just have to remember that when faced with a caramel milky way. lol Stay focused.

  5. Hi. Sometimes it's just too hard to make all the changes at once. I don't know if you are willing to take this by degrees. You have 6 changes you want to focus on. You could choose a different one for the next six days or if that overwhelms you why not take 6 weeks starting with one that you are sure you can have success with and add in another at the beginning of each week.

    I have watched you work toward being more disciplined in this area and I think you can be totally successful.

    We do live in a beautiful area. Totally spoilt by the our everyday views.


  6. Joy, you are such a great friend! I'm glad to know you!!!! Thank you for your comments on my blog. I was just thinking today that no one reads my blog anymore. I came home to your three comments and it just made me smile!!!

    You should totally talk to the girl at your gym!! Who knows, maybe it's me? (Except that I'm in UT :D)

    Love you friend!!! You are doing awesome, keep on loving yourself!


  7. yes, small changes are hard. Sometimes too many small changes at once feels overwhelming to me. So I like to work on one small change, "master it" and then add a new change. Seems to be working ok for me! Take care and yes, let's keep focused!

  8. I'm with you friend!!! I'm diggin' my heals in too. Boy it's been a tough summer, but we can do you always say!!!

    Love you sweet friend!!!

  9. ahhhh I am.
    rationalizing can be too easy (and alluring).

