A few months ago, my 3 1/2 year old Grand Daughter got a new trike. It's pink, very sturdy and cute! She was so excited to get on it....when it was in the house!! When we got outside, donned with her helmet, getting on that thing was another matter!
After some coaxing and persuading, we finally got her on the trike. I can so picture her sitting on it with her happy and triumphant face. So adorable!!
Then you could see her countenance change when she realized that she now had to do something...Something she's never done before...Something that might be fun, but she's not sure because she's never done it before. You could see that she really wanted to, I mean she wanted to please her parents and grand parents who were so happy for her and encouraging her to do this really big thing. She was excited....But!!!
After some time, she made several attempts at trying to ride the trike. Could not quite coordinate the peddles and handle bars and all of the various instructions and encouragement that was directed towards her. And after a short time, in a moment of frustration, she started to cry and wanted off of that trike. She quit!
Today...she's a wild woman on her trike!! She peddles super fast, lets her Papa (my Hubby) ride on the back, and she even rode down a fairly large hill while we were camping!! Scared me to death!
So amazing what time, confidence and a little faith will do!!!
I am really curious as to what happened that made her decide that she wanted to ride that trike. What pivotal thing happened? What decisions did she have to make to even try? What fears did she have to put aside to be able to do this amazing thing?
I want to know these things.....
Because I'm at that moment!
In my weight loss and fitness journey and in my life....I've stuck my foot out and tried to do some things. I got my toe wet....I kind of liked it, but when the waters got rough, I pulled my foot back, turned my back on life and kept myself protected...Fear and trepidation have set in and made themselves at home.
Right now....I'm tired of this....I'm ready to move on....
Maybe that's what happened for my Grand Daughter....Maybe she just got tired of not being able to do what she really wanted to do. I can't really find out how it all happened for her, but I'm guessing....She faced her FEARS!!! Took a LEAP OF FAITH...and got on that trike. I'm sure she struggled a little, but I'm guessing after a short time, she found success and simply started to ride!!
So that's it....I'm ready!
For today...I'm going to push aside my fears and I'm going to do plunge into this life. I'm going to start living like I want to fly down a hill on my trike....by the seat of my pants....on the edge of my seat!!! No more sitting back, protecting myself and staying safe. It's time to live!!
How about you...Are you with me?
Keep focused!
This is one of my daily devotions today...
Risk Your Life, Get More Than You Dream
by Jon Walker
“He replied, 'I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.'” (Luke 19:26 NIV)
Jesus once told the story of a master who gave three servants each a sum of money to handle while he was away. When he returned, the first servant told the master he’d doubled the money through investments, and the second said he’d made fifty percent profit for the master.
But the third servant, in essence, said he’d been afraid the master would punish him for making mistakes, so he hid the money in the cellar until the master returned.
The master rewarded the first two servants, saying those who handle small matters well will be given greater responsibility. But he rebuked the third servant, saying, “Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of. Play it safe and end up holding the bag” (Luke 19:26 MSG).
In order to live a life of faith, we must take risks. Not just any kind of risks, but ones that are specifically directed by God. These God-nudges push us beyond the border of our “State of Independence,” where we live by sight, into the “State of Grace,” where we live by faith.
As Pastor Rick often says, when we do not live by faith, we live faithlessly. Any decision independent of God is a faithless decision. Jesus calls you to risk your life for God, but he also guarantees that God will always be waiting for you on the other side of each and every step of faith you take.
God is for you. He says, “Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of.”
What step of faith is God asking you to take today?
Let's jump into those rough waters!
ReplyDeleteDid you know there are only two emotions? They are love and fear. We are born with only two fears - the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling - all the rest of our fears are learned. With this information and your faith you have all you need to be successful at this. I know there is more love in you than there is fear. How did you encourage your granddaughter to just go for it? You probably said things like "you can do it" "there's nothing to be afraid of" and "come on" - now do the same thing for yourself. Yes?
ReplyDeletelove this one hon. have fun! Keep focused!
ReplyDeletethe things we learn from littles huh?
ReplyDeleteMy five year old teaches me more about life each day.
I'm with you girl...trying new things and feeling very much like I'm flying by the seat of my pants. I think it's a good thing. We need something new and fun to keep us young and excited!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I almost forgot, I've had trouble leaving comments on several blogs lately...yours was one of them. I can't remember everything I was wanting to say, but just know I'm with you in this and I love you friend!!!
You don't know what you can do until you let go of what you think you can't, right? You're going to fly! :)