Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 79 - 84 ~ 7 Month Focus

June was an interesting month! Even though there were many problems and frustrations during the month, including my computer & Bodybugg not working, I did fairly well! I stayed on track and hit all of my goals 8 days this month. Still striving to do better! I started the month off at 214.4 and ended at 210.06.

A couple of weeks ago, the light bulb went on and I finally decided that I need to really start working on my calorie intake. My new daily calorie goal is in the 1500's.  Seems my average prior to July was around 1800 calories per day. I'm still able to lose with the calories that high, but have noticed since I'm aiming for the 1500's it's going a lot faster. Well duh!

I know, I know...sometimes it takes a while (from me over a year and a half) to get stuff right. Oh and be willing to make the necessary changes in order to get this weight off. I wish I would not have wasted so much time.....But I did and there's nothing I can do about it now. Now I just need to keep FOCUSED and move on.

July is already starting out well!

Some fabulous news!!!!!!

My doctor has been hounding me since 2008 to get on meds for high cholesterol. In 2009 I tried a couple and ended up with the Hemi Facial Spasms. At that time she pulled me off of all the meds to see what was going on. In 2008 my Cholesterol was 258 (HDL 55 & LDL 179). Way too high. When I was on the meds I got down to 133 total Cholesterol (HDL 39 & LDL 70) Great numbers huh? Yeah, but the meds make me feel awful!!!!

So I started my health and fitness plan 01/01/10 and my next test was done in March of 2010. The Cholesterol was 230...getting better on my own ~ thank you very much! Then January of 2011 came and she tested me again. I came in at 220....Still not great. My doc said that she really felt I needed to go back on the meds. She felt I was in the danger zone and she wanted to get me to a healthier place. I agreed with her that that would be just grand. However, the meds make me feel sooo bad, I knew if I got on them again, I would abandon my health and fitness plan. I pleaded with her to give me 6 more months. I told her that I would focus on my exercise and calories and get more weight off. I begged her to give me just one more chance. Thankfully she agreed and warned me this was the last chance!!!
So last week I had another test. My Cholesterol came in at 198 (HDL 45 & LDL 136) The LDL is still higher than she would like, but she sees good progress and thinks I will be OK. I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE DRUGS!!!

Boy is that motivation to keep going? YOU BET IT IS!!!

So I'm still working to get all of my numbers in the normal range. And the next thing I want to tackle is the blood pressure meds. When I first started my program, I was on 3. Now I'm still on 2 meds. Really want to get off of all of them!! I CAN DO IT!!!

Doing a 5k tomorrow before the big 4th of July parade in our town. Can't wait to see how I do. I really want to run the whole thing. PRAY FOR ME!!
How are you doing? Are you working your plan?

Stay focused!!!


  1. See, those are the healthy life changes that make this journey worth it. Did you lose the pounds you wanted? maybe, maybe not. But to see your cholesterol go down, to get off other medications, those are really awesome achievements. Congratulations.

  2. WOW... You are AWESOME girl to get that cholesterol down. That is so great! I will pray for you tomorrow and you pray for me!! We can do this!! :) Can't wait to see ya!

    Love ya,

  3. Awesome job at your checkup! Not needing meds for preventable things is such a terrific NSV and, you're totally right, great motivation to keep going! Good luck at your 5k - enjoy it!!! ♥

  4. I'm so glad you are back. I've been missing you.

    Congratulations on the great news healthwise. That is so much more important than what the scale says. I go for a blood draw on Wednesday. We'll see what happens.

    Good luck with the 5K. I can't wait to read that blog.

  5. How exciting and such great motivation! I had a similar experience when I was "warned" about my fatty liver and how dangerous it can be. I was so excited when I got the news that because of my lifestyle changes it wasnt fatty anymore! These thigns are the things that we need to hang onto and remember on the tough days. I am so proud of you! Keep it up!


  6. Great job JOY! That is what it is all about. Health. 4 lb loss...whoot! Andyep...lowering the calories gets er done about to embark on that myself. Stay focused!

  7. I am so proud of you for getting your cholesterol under control and by yourself!! That is just great news!! Great weight loss, too, for the month of June. Onward ad downward!
