Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 78 - 7 Month Focus

In my 4.5 mile bubble between work and home I have noticed there is a lot of activity going on every day. Lately it seems, there are more and more people out and about moving their bodies and getting fit!

In just one day I saw people roller blading, skate boarding, riding bikes, running, walking, riding scooters and this guy was riding a scooter that had a large wheel in front and a small wheel in the back and he pushed himself along. I saw him everywhere! Also I saw kids playing in their yard, in the streets, and in parks. Even saw a lemonade stand where I was finally able to Bless some little kid and I bought a lemonade for $10.00. She was thrilled!

It's so awesome seeing very fit people as well as those just starting their journey. You know who they are. I love watching them and I pray for the Lord to increase their desire to get fit.

Hope you are doing your part and you are getting fit. Are you moving your body!!

Keep focused!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 73 to 77 - 7 Month Focus

Well it's been a while!! I am still having trouble with my computer. I had my IT guy check it out last week and it looks like it still is having problems. I can't do most of the things I want and I'm still having trouble leaving comments on blogs.  Don't be surprised if I'm gone again this week, I may have to send the computer back to the shop. It's been frustrating, first of all because it's brand new ~ it should be working. And then it's frustrating because it has knocked me off of my plans for my 7 Month Focus Challenge. I need my computer to blog and track my calories & steps on the Bodybugg system. I can write on my blog ~ sometimes, but can't comment on other blogs and I can enter my calories into the Bodybugg ~ sometimes, but can't get my steps information. So weird!

In spite of it all, I have not let it throw me off of what I CAN do. So even though I've had a blip of problems and frustration, I still pressed on with my health and fitness plan!

Recap of the week.....

Monday, as I was praying to the Lord about my 7 Month Focus Challenge, I got the notion that...OK really, He whooped me up one side of my head.....I almost heard from him audibly say to me..."Are you ready to give your plan to me?"


I thought I had....But in reality, I've been doing this whole thing on my own power and you know what? I'm just not strong enough to do this on my own.

So I prayed and let the Lord know that I'm ready to give it to Him and see what He can do....Funny huh? Me challenging the Lord. Don't strike me down Lord!

So anyway, Monday, June 20th was my turning point day. I surrendered my plan to the Lord and I really put my faith in Him (Never have I been able to really release things to Him. I can totally believe and have faith that the Lord will do something for you, but for me......I have my doubts. Never really understood that I was doing this until now) Anyway...So I prayed and told the Lord that whatever happens, whatever the scale says, whatever He decides for me, I was going to give Him praise for it. No matter what! I also told Him that I was ready to hear, ready to change and ready to do what I needed to do to get this done.


No matter what....I will do what I need to do!!!

Anyway, He's been sending little messengers to me to speak truth into my heart about this journey. First my daughter paid me a visit last week and she gently and with love, kicked my behind and told me that I needed to up my exercise, that 30 minutes of cardio a day is just not enough. Humph!

Then last Monday, I got a butt spanking, with love, from my trainer who told me my calories were too high. Humph...humph!!!! She then proceeded to kill me in the gym :-)

Tuesday, I spent a lot of time mulling over what I had heard and had a pretty OK day. I had decided to "REALLY" track "EVERYTHING" that I put into my mouth. Including coffee creamer. Do you know that I've not been tracking these calories? Like the 60 calories of creamer I put into my coffee did not really count. Huh!?! They count! Not only do they count, but I would have sometimes up to 4 cups per day. That's 240 extra calories not added to my calorie count. So when I said, I logged in 1800 calories in a day, which is way too high for me anyway, it really meant 2040 calories for the day. (If I did my math right)

Ouch, just the realization of that kills me. No wonder I'm not making progress. I even reread some of my food labels. I thought my peanut butter was 71 calories for 2 tablespoons. Not!!! Try 290 calories...Where is my head?....Sometimes I wonder!!!

So with that said, I charted every calories that went into my mouth. No I did not get down to the 1400 - 1500 calories my trainer wanted. But I did have ~ 1 day at 1500 calories, 2 days at 1600 calories, 1 day at 1700 calories and 2 days at 1900 calories. Still not the greatest, but at least I got ALL of the calories accounted for.

Not only did I get back to my calories counting, but on Tuesday, I also upped my exercise by doing a 5k (run/walk) and water aerobics that day.

Wednesday, well Wednesday was a tough day. Lets just say, I had a full blown tizzy, an almost throw myself onto the ground fit, laced with a few choice words and a whole bunch of crying. You see, I was sooooo MAD that I had to make a change in my food. That I have to have less. That I can't have what I want. It REALLY MADE ME MAD! The other things is, Wednesday, per my trainers request, was another weight and cardio day. I have to tell you that I did not want to do it. I did not want to keep on the journey, I did not want to limit myself. I just wanted to throw myself onto the floor for a good old fashioned temper tantrum!!

But instead, I went to work in my home gym. I did my workout, crying through most of the hour and a half workout. Finally at the end I was laughing because I could no longer tell what was tears or sweat. I was a mess. I really did not want to do my weights & cardio. I did not want to do it. I hated it the whole time ~ But...I DID IT!!! 

As a reward we got to go out on our boat that day. First day out this summer and I have to say, that it's the first time in our whole boating experience (over 10 years) that I did not feel like a big ole fat whale. I felt really cute in my new bathing suit and cover up. I was able to get up on the surf board and surf on my first try. I felt really confident and strong ~ I had a blast!!

So doing what I have to do, for this journey, is paying off!!

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were great days. I did a lot! I exercised every day ~ getting in another weight day and a 5k. My trainer will really be pleased. Can't wait to see her tomorrow!! You know the best thing about seeing her tomorrow is ~ I'm not coming in with excuses. Nope, I get to go in there proud of what me and the Lord (cuz I have to give Him the credit) did this past week. It was an awesome week! I did everything she asked me to do with exercise and I'm doing a lot better with the calories. I know she will be pleased!!

So anyway, even with the frustrations with my computer and life stuff, and the new realizations that I have been neglectful in letting the Lord have my plan, and the busyness of life ~ I got done, what I needed to get done. I had a great week. I had a  lot of success!!

Last Monday I logged in at 214.8 pounds and today I'm at 210.4. So even with my calories as high as they were, I still lost. Next week. I'm shooting for 1500-1600's calories per day. I CAN DO IT!!

So Friends, how are you? Are you working your plan ~ Are you making stuff happen?

Keep focused!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 72 - 7 Month Focus

Got spanked by my trainer yesterday. She has be gently trying to show me that I'm not giving this journey my all. I really need to increase my efforts in the gym and my calories are too high.

I've know this, I have...I've not wanted to really look at it. I was OK with waking up every morning with the same results. I guess, I was OK with it, because I was unwilling to change it.

But now I'm listening!

So today, I'm off to a great start!! Oatmeal & blueberries for breakfast, a 20 calorie coffee instead of a 50 calorie drink and got a 5k in already! Did it in 46 minutes with running & walking! That 6 minutes off of my best time!

Stats from yesterday.....
Exercise: 40 minutes treadmill, weights and 30 minutes bike
Steps: Don't know - can't get on the website - AUGH!
Calories: 1700
Water: Done
Blog: Done

How about you....are you ready to face the facts and get revved up to make some changes??? Are you with me?

Keep focused!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 71 - 7 Month Focus

Lets just say....another failed weekend in the books! I guess it was not a total failure, because I had a lot of fun! It's just, as far as my 7 month goals went....I experienced ~ Absolute FAILURE!!!

I did not get one thing done. I mean NOTHING! Just did bits and pieces of things. Frustrates me because last week, I was on it. I worked my butt off and worked those goals and then I ended the week poorly.

It was kind of like I'm was going through the weekend, knowing I should be working my plan and I conscientiously made the decision not too. Can I say rebellious!?!?!?!

Now don't get me wrong, I know we need our down days, and believe me, I get them. It's just that the attitude this weekend was....I know I need to keep focused, but I'm not gonna......

That's what make me mad!

Besides not doing what I should, I also did not do what I want. I spent time, yesterday, playing on my computer instead of working on a 4th of July quilt and  making a tile for a table I have. I just blew the day.

While I was doing it I was soooo happy....Right now, I'm kickin' myself all over the place.

Why do I do what I do?

I frustrate myself.

OK enough of the beating.....MOVE ON!!! is a new day. I'm back to my plan. Already got 40 minutes on the treadmill, this blog is almost done and I've packed a really healthy, low cal meal for lunch. Off to a good start.

How about you.....Are you on track today?

Keep focused!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 69 & 70 - 7 Month Focus

Well I have not been focusing or maximizing anything the last 2 days. Not that I've gone off , well too far off, of my plan. It's just been that I've been super busy since Friday morning to get everything done. Today, I finally have some time to get back to my plan. Whew!

I finally figured out my blog issue and I'm now able to comment on all blogs. I have to say, it's been frustrating not being able to do what I want to do. Now, I'm trying to log into my Bobybugg system and can't get logged on. Am I cursed? I have such trouble with computers, TV's and anything electronic!!! Geez ~ SOOOOOO FRUSTRATING!

Realized yesterday that I'm still not where I want to be when it comes to emotional eating. Friday was a non-stop day from the minute I got up until about 11:00pm. Right after work, I needed to go to the store and while I was there, I picked up some candy ~ knowing full well that that evening we were going to have a higher calorie meal. We celebrated Father Day's, on Friday, cause my Hubby works on Sundays. He wanted ribs, corn on the cob, potato salad and cake. I planned my day well so I could indulge, with super small portions and enjoy the meal. So why the candy? Having that just pushed me over the top!!! Well it's because I was stressed and I needed to comfort myself.

I guess I went there because I did not have the time to stop and pray, or read something inspirational or check out my other safe guards that help me get through this stressful time. I could not even connect with my Hubby because he was busy too! So I went back to my old ways.

I still did OK with the other food. I kept pretty close to what I wanted to do. But Saturday, again was super busy and I just did not want to focus. Did OK with food that day, but I did not exercise, blog, drink enough water or track my food. Not even sure I got in my steps.

Just bums me out!

It's so easy, for me, to fall back to my old ways. It's really frustrating!'s just a day and a half of set backs. I am back to it today and focused.

What do you do when you are faced with this type of situation? Any hints?

Keep focused!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 68 - 7 Month Focus



Yesterday I got a text from my daughter. I don't have my phone with me, but it went something like. Mom....get your steps in!!! I'm sure there were other lovely things added, but that's what I heard and I'm sure that's what she wanted me to hear! GET IT DONE!!! (My daily goal is to take 10,000 steps)

True confession!?! I've just been putting in my time! And sadly not getting the results I want. What do they say....Don't do the same thing over and over and expect different results. In order for me to get difference results I have to do things differently. I can't just be putting in my time. I have to maximize everything!!!

What do I  mean? Here's a perfect example.

Exercise ~ On June 3rd I put in 40 minutes on the treadmill and got 1416 steps in and burned 200 calories. And then doing just regular stuff during the day, I logged in 6931 steps for the whole day!!

This morning I put in 40 minutes on the treadmill, ran and walked from 3.5 speed to 5, burned 310 calories and got in 5599 steps!!! That's maximizing my time on the treadmill!!!

I almost have as many steps in this morning as I did the whole day on June 3rd. Exercise MAXIMIZED!!!

That takes a whole load off of me knowing I have that many steps in  already. I know I will make my 10,000 step goal today!! Last night, when I checked I was at 6400 steps. This was at 8:30pm. Do you know how depressing that was? Instead of visiting with my hubby or doing something fun. I had to walk. Sad thing is, if I would have done a better job with maximizing my workout for the day I could have been enjoying myself instead of doing exercise that late at night.

Food ~ Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend. I did not know where we were going and ended up going to a "healthy" Mexican restaurant. I ordered one taco and had some chips and guacamole. I know not the best choices. I thought I would come in around 500 calories. Nope I came in at 800 calories. Still doable, but that meant I was hungry most of the day, because I did not have any calories left to eat anything more. I did not make the best choice. I could have maximized my calories and maybe had one taco only and then I could have had some fruit or veggies or other healthier choices. I need to maximize my food!

Time ~ While making my breakfast, I can jog around the house while I wait for the water to boil. I can jog while I'm waiting for the water to heat up for my shower. I can pick up stuff around the house while I'm jogging. I can go up and down the stairs ~ and get one item at a time, I can chose to run instead of walk. I need to maximize my time!!!

Stats from yesterday...
Exercise: Walk and jogged (over an hour)
Steps: 10300 (Thank you for the encouragement my sweet daughter)
Calories: 1846 (Oh yeah, I need to maximize here for sure)
Food Tracking: Done
Water: Done
Blog: Done

How about you....Are you ready to MAXIMIZE?
Keep focused!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 67 - 7 Month Focus

Yesterday I went to the gym and I wore this t-shirt I just got. As I took it off and threw it in the locker, I was amazed at how little fabric there was to this shirt. I mean this thing weigh oz's verses the large sized (3x) shirts I used to wear. Those things weighed a ton! Now when I pack to go on a trip, my hubby and I can share a suitcase. All my stuff fits. No more yards and yards of fabric. Kind of fun.

Just another reason why this journey is so fun and worth the effort. Every day I see new things and experience stuff that I forgot about.

In my stability ball class last night, the teacher was talking about these push ups that we were going to do. There were 4 levels. She said, level 1 & 2 are really easy, level 3 is a lot harder and then level 4 is almost impossible. Well she had us do level 1 & 2 first and then she had us do something else. I guess we needed to let the muscles recover from level 1 & 2. Then we got back to level 3. It was hard, but very doable. So then she had us do level 4. I had forgotten what she said about level 4. Remember, she said it was almost impossible. So anyway, I do what she asks and I hear her shout, "Look at that form!!" She was yelling at me. I guess I hit it. Really with no problem! She said, "You trainer is really working you. You are very strong." Isn't that cool?

I guess I'm telling you this because if I would have remembered that this was "Almost Impossible" to do, I would have believed her. She's the professional, she knows what she knows about her work. If she tells me it's impossible then I would believe it. After hearing that, I might have tried to do it, but would not have pushed a little harder to make sure I got it done. I would have failed.

I had a physical therapist tell me I would "never" do something....and here I am today, doing exactly what he said I would never do and that is run and row boats. I can do both of these and can do it without injury to my body.

So my point is, don't let anyone ever.....ever.....EVER tell you, you can't do something (unless it's illegal or immoral - then don't do these thing!) But if it's something about your health and weight loss, you do what you know you CAN do!! You push through. You prove them wrong. You make stuff happen.

I'm not going to limit myself anymore. I am going to try things and if I really like them, then I'm going to keep on trying until I get it. Nothings stopping me!!

How about you....Do you listen to the Neigh Sayers or do you get what you want done?

Stats from yesterday...
Exercise: 35 minutes Treadmill & 55 minutes Stability Ball Class
Steps: 5734
Calories: 1827
Food Tracking: Done
Water: Done
Blog: Done

Keep focused

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 66 - 7 Month Focus

Random thoughts...

Trying to find balance! Now that I'm feeling better and have energy, I want to do everything. However, I'm learning there are only 24 hours in a day and I can't do it all. I remember days used to drag on. Now, they are flying by. I usually have the day planned out and only have snipets of time to get things done. Any of you struggling with the issue of time?

Still having trouble with my computer....can't leave comments on a lot of blogs. I guess it's a problem with my computer, I just don't know how to fix it. Hopefully my son will help me with it this weekend. Sorry friends, I'm reading, I promise!!

This is the 3rd month of my 7 Month Focus. So far, I've had some good days, but right now, it's the worse month so far. Exercise, blogging, tracking my food and water are easy and I get most of that done. It's the calories that are killing me and stopping me from losing. Yes, the scale is moving, but very slowly. As hard as I'm working in the gym, if I would just get my calories under control, then we would be seeing some significant stuff happening. Wonder why I'm chosing not to hit this goal?

In thinking about my last question regarding the calories. You know, in the back of my mind, I am still thinking that I "DESERVE" food. That it's a "REWARD". Like...I work really hard in the gym and I deserve to have a treat. Now most of my treats are like fruit or a nutrition bar...but even good calories add up. So I'm wondering why I don't look at a great workout with a deficit in calories as a reward? With that kind of a reward, I get a tangible thing.....weight loss. Just eating my reward delays the ultimate reward. Kind of stupid of me...don't you think?

The other night at the gym, I saw this really large man on the bike. He was peddling so slow...I mean really slow. I wanted to chastise him, to myself of course, I was thinking what's the point? He was barely moving. Then I realized the point is....He's at the gym, on a bike and he's MOVING!!!! Got to start somewhere!! GO MAN GO!!!!

Stats from Yesterday....

Exercise: 40 minutes on the treadmill & 55 minutes water aerobics
Steps: 6948
Calories: 1738 (better...)
Food Tracking: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Done

So how are you doing? Getting the job done?

Keep focused!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 65 - 7 Month Focus

Last night I had my time with my trainer. She told me a couple of weeks ago that her plan was to re-shape my workouts and push me to the next level. Pretty much, she just wants to kill me! Anyway, I got there last night and she was already looking for me.....first thing we do is go to the multipurpose room. You know the room where she keeps all of the scary equipment!

She has me doing intervals with the jump rope, jumping jacks, push ups, planks - with a twist - you do a plank, then you go fully up on one arm then the other, then lower yourself down. Try it ~ not easy! We do this for some time and then it's off to the cycle room. She has me doing intervals on the bike, then squats with a bar bell pole (don't know the official name), then after that it's back to the floor for some crunches - lots of them. Finally we are done. Whew!

Then she takes the bar bell pole and asks me if it was heavy. I said yes it was and it was hard doing crunches with it. She said, well this bar represents half of the weight you've lost. I was doing squat with a 30 pound pole. Then she says, "Can you even imagine you were carrying two times that much weight on your body?  EVERY DAY? "

I almost wanted to cry. It was really like a Biggest Loser moment when they have the contestant put back on the weight they lost. Do it sometime. Pick up something that weighs the same as the amount of weight you've lost and carry it around for a while. You won't believe how heavy it is. How did I / can I carry this extra weight around. My goodness!!!

Then she preceded to remind me of what we did last night. Said I did 3 minutes of each cardio thing. Funny thing is, when I first started with her, I could not even do 1 jumping jack or jump rope - I forgot how to do it. Last night I did it for 3 minutes each! I also did 45 push ups, 30 squats with 30 pounds on my back and other amazing things. We also did these things that made me look like I was ice skating. You kind of jump from one side to the other swinging your arms. We did a ton of these. Yikes!

She is real happy with my progress and promises that next week, we will continue to keep pushing through to the next level. She says she's still not seeing my break through yet. Man I wish I would get there!

Stats from yesterday:
Exercise: 1 hr cardio, weights & 30 minutes on the bike
Steps: 12278
Calories: 2077 (Killing me!! Frustrates me that I can't get this down - or let me just say, I'm not willing to do it.)
Food Tracking: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Done

I had this random thought yesterday. Kind of struck me right where I am and that is: "If you want to be have to do something." Whatever it is I want to be, it's just not going to happen. I have to do something to get it. Nothings knocking at my door, I have to go out there and get it.

Are you with me? Are you willing to get out there and make stuff happen?

Keep focused!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 63 - 64 ~ 7 Month Focus

Well I'm back! Went to our oldest sons college graduation. So proud of him!! We had a great time visiting with him and his wife and other family members. We did a lot of walking.....they have a lot of stairs there. Seemed we were always climbing them! Anyway, I did fairly well with my food, but did not do any real exercise. I did take my workout clothes, but we were too busy with the festivities and visiting. I tried to make good and healthy food choices, but obviously I did not do the greatest as I'm up 2 pounds again. I think I've lost this same 2 pounds 10 times!

Kind of frustrating as I just come up shy to my lowest weight ever, just miss it by 2 oz or so and then I gain back this 2 pounds. This week, I want to hit the 210 mark ~ my new low number. That's my focused!!!!


How about you? What's your goal this week?

Keep focused!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 62 - 7 Month Focus

You know how you speak something's the truth....and you believe it and then the minute you've said it, everything goes to heck in a hand basket! (Never typed that phrase in all my life!) Anyway, I'm going to speak out something and I'm not going to be afraid that things will change!!
I truly feel that I'm back! Whew....I am more of the woman I want to be. I doing what I say...Up at 5am, getting my exercise done, reading my Bible, working hard at work, loving my family, mentoring and ministering to others, and loving life! It's a great place to be and just because I said it, does not mean it will all go crashing least not right now. I'm enjoying this time!!!!

Went to my stability ball class last night. In fact, I've been getting a lot of variety in lately....5K on Saturday, weights and cardio on Monday, water aerobics on Tuesday, stability ball class last night and this morning running and weights. That's the kind of week I like! Plus and this is a bonus, I an keeping close to my calorie goal. Kind of forgetting food. Hum that is weird!!!! Back to the stability ball class. I had a great time!! It's such a fun class and I can totally see the progress in my strength and balance. I remember the day when I could barely sit on the ball without falling off. Now I'm doing all kinds of weird stuff on it. Anyway, last night was the first time in my whole life, that I could look in the mirror and really like what I see. It's almost like I'm looking at someone else, I don't know that it's my body. Now I get why people look at themselves, they like what they see. When I was younger I had a friend who always looked at herself in the mirror and I'm like what are you looking at, don't you know what you look like? I just did not get it. Now I do! Love seeing how toned my body is getting and especially like seeing in the mirror that I'm doing the exercise right. Really fun!!!

Another BONUS ~ My Hubby went to the gym with me. I love it when he goes. Makes me really happy!!!!

Stats from yesterday....

Exercise: Stability Ball Class (55 minutes)
Steps: 6817 (Augh, should have plugged in last night to see where I was)
Calories: 1596 (Woo hoo!!!)
Food Tracking: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Late, but done!

Off to a great start today!

How about you ~ Are you doing well?

Keep focused!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 61 -7 Month Focus

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late....well not in the way you think I might be! I'm late with everything! So behind on getting my blog written today, behind in my blog emails, behind on reading your blog, behind on organizing my bills, behind on stuff at work and home, behind on fun things I want to do, behind on things I don't want to do. I AM BEHIND!

I have decided to put my energies in my 7 Month Focus. I reached all my goals on Monday and made all my goals yesterday, but went over 149 calories for the day. Still not too bad. I tell you I am working hard on getting my steps in. Do you know how hard it is to fold clothes and jog in place? Try it....Not easy!  Anyway, on track for today!

So far, I'm not stressing on what is not getting done. I've decided to enjoy right where I am. I know, it's me talking......can you believe it?

Saw a funny thing at the gym yesterday. This woman suspended herself over a moving Treadmill and while the belt was moving like crazy, she was swinging her legs above it like she was walking on it. Her feet never touched the belt. Does this work? If so, I am working waaaaay too hard!! It was a pretty comical sight for sure!

Well friends, I need to keep it short, off to the gym!

How are you, are you keeping it together?

Keep focused!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 60 - 7 Month Focus

My trainer killed me last night. After running in the 5k on Saturday and being sore from that, I did not think I could do much with my trainer. However.....I did not whine one time and just did what she asked me to do. There were a couple of times where I thought I wanted to throw up...But didn't! Whew!

I finally figured out how to jump rope. Not just with one foot at a time, but with both feet in the air. Last year I tried to jump rope and I could not even do it. I forgot how to do it. I could only get one time around with the rope, maybe hit it 1 time out of 5. Last night I started out that way and decided to give the 2 foot hop a try. I made one. Then my goal was 3, then 5....I worked my way up to 17 times without stopping. Rope jumping is fun!!!!

We were in the multipurpose room, which does not mean good things for me. There are weird things in there and she makes me do them. Most things we do hurt!! She had me do a bunch of stuff, stair steps, lunges, squat, sprints, shoving the big punching bag. You know who's face I was seeing when I was pushing that trainers face. She was killing me!! (I love her, I really do!!) Then it was back to the gym for time on the Elliptical and then we did weights and tummy crunches. I took a look at myself at one point and I was head to toe red, well and sweaty. It was at this point, she said, to go get a drink. As I went to the fountain, I caught the looks of the others in the gym, they were kind of funny. They were probably thinking, why is that trainer trying to kill that old lady? After I was done with my trainer, I put in 30 minutes on the bike. Anyway, I did not die......I made it and I did well!!!!

Today however, I can hardly move, so I will not be on the Treadmill this morning. I will go to my water aerobics class tonight.

Stats from yesterday....

Exercise: Trainer - Cardio, weights for 1 1/2 hrs
Steps: 10314
Calories: 1650
Track Food: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Done


How about you.....are you reaching your goals?

Keep focused!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 58 & 59 - 7 Month Focus

Hello!! Back to the living! Yesterday I spent the entire day in bed with a chest cold and a slight fever. I read and slept (on and off) all day. Truth be known, I think not only did I have a small cold, but I was also recovering from the 5k run the day before. I have to say that today I feel pretty amazing. Body feels good, except my left foot is still smarting a little from the run and  the coughing and chest pain is not as bad as yesterday. Stress level is really low!!! Ah relief.

Well our Margene is an amazing firecracker!! My daughter and I met up with Margene and her family & friends on Saturday for the 5k. 

That's me, 3rd from the left and Margene and her son are on the right. It was a gorgeous Saturday, temperature in the 80's. There were tons of people there, most of them in costume. So fun to watch!!

Unfortunately I did have to walk a couple of times during the race. One thing I did not count on were the hills. In fact, right at the starting gate, it was uphill quite a distance. I made it though for quite a while and then I had to walk. I was a little disappointed that I could not run the whole thing.

Lessons learned....know your course, train for the course, train in all types of weather and for heavens sakes, make sure you have the right kind of music on. I selected an 80's mix on my iPhone. All the songs of that day were about death & dying and hell. Even as I was running along the route, I saw several chalk outlines of bodies with x'd out eyes along the course. (Who does this stuff?) Anyway, not funny when you are trying to kill yourself by running!!

Anyway I made it. I still came in at 52 minutes. One minute longer than my last 5k, probably because we could not move very fast in the beginning because there were so many people. Anyway, I am pleased.

See my happy face!!

Oh also have to report, that my daughter did amazing. She came in at 36 minutes. I would love to get in shape enough to keep up with her. That would be amazing.

How about you...are you stretching yourself?

Keep focused!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 57 - 7 Month Focus

Race day is finally here!! Can I just say that I'm excited!!!! Could not ask for better weather. I really did not care what the temperature, as long as it did not rain. Looks like we will be in the 80's...bright blue skies and SUN!!! Woo hoo!!! (Race time 6:45pm - Starlight Run)

The reality of it all hit me yesterday when we were making preparations....Had to get my iPhone armband, new running pants and picked up my t-shirt. You would think with all the hubbub, I would be running a marathon. For me, it will probably feel like one. Think about running 3.1 miles, without stopping, at 213 pounds. YIKES!!!!

In preparations of my mind (for me, that's where I need to do a lot of work), I have been thinking about my race attitude and the amazing race face I get....where nothing matters. Nothing!! Just me and the road. I got that face last Saturday, when I made my first attempt at running a 5k. I got the face of determination....I went to that place, a place outside myself, a place that assured me...I CAN DO IT... (I can't even begin to explain what it feels like)...anyway, I want that race face again. It's amazing!! I can't wait to go there again!

I am adopting a new "So WHAT" attitude! Yesterday while driving to work, I was thinking about all of the reasons why I can't do the things I want to do. I'm just driving along, talking to God and convincing Him of why I can't. And all I heard from Him was...."So WHAT!"


I felt He was telling me...So WHAT if you feet/body hurts, so what if you are scared, so what if you have fear, so what if you don't feel worthy, so what if you.....whatever it is.... SO WHAT!!!!!

No matter the reasons I have for stopping me from achieving my goals, whatever they are, So WHAT,
just push through those reasons and get the job done.

I have had many times in my life where I had to do something for others and I was up against obstacles and I just pushed through. Mostly I did this because I felt I did not have any options. I just had to do what I had to do. So for myself; I need to adopt this same attitude. That no matter the obstacles, no matter the troubles I have, I need to say "So What" to them and push toward my goals.

Nothing has to stop me....I'm the only one who's stopping me because I'm hanging on to this stuff that does not matter. These things are not holding me back. I'm holding me back!!

So WHAT to that stuff. This girl is pushing through!!!!

How about you...Are you ready to say "So What" to your obstacles?

Stats from yesterday...

Exercise: 30 minutes on Treadmill
Steps: 6931
Calories: 2076
Track Food: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Done

Missed some of my goals again!!! SO WHAT...Today is a new day!!! I'm reaching for them!!!

Keep focused!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 57 - 7 Month Focus

If my math is right, in 36 hours,  I will be running a 5k for the first time ever! I will be running with my daughter, Margene and her friends. I cannot wait!!!!

Again I've allowed stress to set me back this week. I just wish I would not go there, but I do! Anyone else do that? For me, stress really kills my weight loss and fitness journey. I turn so inward, that I can't see what I'm supposed to do. And when I get like this EVERYTHING affects me. I get so offended and hurt and fuss over such silly things in life. Frustration comes in and it stalls everything.

Yet I do nothing to eliminate the stress in my life. Well one thing I do is read and sleep. But I'm sure there are other great ways to combat stress....

Do you have any ideas?

Stats from yesterday.

Exercise: 30 minutes treadmill
Steps: 7486 (Geez, if I would have plugged in my Bugg and checked, I would have realized how close I was to my 10,000 step goal and I would have got this goal done.
Calories: 1905 - Same thing....I need to be more focused on what's happening!
Food Tracking: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Done

I know the uncertainty of the 5k has been on my mind. So thankful that I actually took the time last weekend and ran one, so I know I can do it. I just need to get an official race under my belt.

Keep up the great work my Friends and stay focused!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 57 - 7 Month Focus

Blessed SUNSHINE ~ Finally!!! I was afraid that I was not going to make it. One my gloomy day was going to push me over the edge. So happy today!!!! The sun is out the sky is semi blue the birds are singing the flowers are blooming and it is gorgeous!! Whew!

I have been working on my summer bucket list.
  • Read 3 books
  • Go to Multnomah Falls
  • Dinner with friends on the boat
  • Get up on water skis
  • Participate in 3 5(k)'s
  • Go to a Row Clinic
  • Camping 3 times
  • Take Grand Babies to the Farmer's Market
  • Take Grand Babies swimming
  • Shopping with my Daughter
  • Go roller skating
  • Take a 30 mile bike ride
  • Ride my bike to work (20 miles round trip)
  • Watch movies on the deck
  • Work on novel
  • Craft day each month
  • Spend time with my sister
  • Volunteer at church

Should be a great summer!

Stats from yesterday.....

Exercise: 30 minutes on treadmill
Steps: 4510
Calories: 2085
Food Tracking: Done
Water: 100+ oz
Blog: Done

Not a great day for sure!!! I was really hungry all day! Geez!!! Certainly not where I want to be. Today I'm off to a great start. Walked 2 miles, had a low calorie breakfast and made a low calorie lunch.  Ready to hit my goals today!

How about you. Are you doing well?

Keep focused!

Ah, after I finished writing this post...the sun went away and the sky is cloudy. This happened in minutes. Boo hoo!! At least it was nice for a while! Still excited for the day!!! Even a tiny bit of sunshine helped me with my attitude. Yeah!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 56 - 7 Month Focus

Oh my goodness. I'm approaching month 3 of my 7th Month Focus Challenge. Time goes by so fast!

Couple things....

  • Is anybody else having trouble leaving comments on other people's blogs? If you have not heard from me, it's because I can't leave a comment. Any advise?
  • It's June already....And it's cold in Oregon....still cloudy and rainy.....wearing sweaters!! Not helping me with my attitude!! Can I just say....GRUMPY!!!
  • Still fighting the blues....Seems the more things that happen to me or bad stuff I hear, the more down I get. I am so trying to get my joy!

7 Month Focus Update - Month 2 - DONE!

Last month was so good in many way and really tough in others. I worked through my Aspartame problem, some other health issues, a challenging month at work, and really pushed through some tough things. Also had a lot of success and challenged myself!

May Stats
8 Perfect days ~ Met all goals (Only had 5 perfect days in April)
Exercised: 22 Days (Plus I ran 1 5k, walked a couple 5k's and walked a 10k)
Steps: Hit 10,000+ steps - 14 days
Calories: 1600 - Only hit this 10 days
Tracked Food: 26 Days
Water: 100+ oz - 24 Day
Blog: 28 Days

Lost 2 pounds for the month ~ I actually hit 211 at one point (which would have been a 4 pound loss), but gained 2 pounds last week.

The first of the month I was really gun ho and the rest of the month I struggled. Obviously calories are killing me. I just can't seem to hit the mark.

Biggest struggle is my attitude and stress level. I put so much pressure on myself to hit my goals and when I come up short, I really beat myself up. Last year, I enjoyed the journey...This year, feels like I have a yoke around my neck and it's too tight, kind of chocking me, slowly....

Some my advise I stop my challenge, maybe I can't handle it. But don't we always hear that we need to set goals? I really want to be successful. I don't think I've set the bar too high. My problem is I still have my heels dug in and I'm fighting this journey right now. I just once want to do something big for MYSELF and make this happen!! I want to set my goals and make them! Why am I stopping myself?


My new focus this week will be the 5k run this Saturday. I need to psych myself up and really focus! I need to get excited and pumped! I CAN DO IT!! (Margene is doing great!! We are gonna do it girlfriend!!)

How about you...Are you reaching your goals?

Stay focused!!