Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 4 - 7 Month Focus

Had another good day. Super packed with things to do, but also, a lot of success!! Calories came in at 1675, I walked a 5k ~ plus some, got my water in, but struggled with getting my 10000 steps. When I did my walk, I added more time and thought it would help me with getting extra steps in. I even tried going up and down the stairs with one item so I would get in more steps. I planned my day carefully and I knew that I would be at the  mission until 9pm or so, so I wanted to make sure that I would make it to my goal. I also knew that I had to walk, a ways from the parking garage and back which I thought would help.

When I got home @ 8:30pm, I clocked in at a little over 8000 steps. ARGGH!!!! Even with careful planning, I missed the goal!

So I got ready for bed, kind of dejected and thought...You know I have time.....I have some energy left.....why not jog in place for 20 minutes or so and see what happens. So I did. I actually had the TV on and as I was turning around ~ while trying to bust up the monotony ~ I noticed that the light from the TV was reflecting my shadow on the wall. So I thought....lets shadow box. So I did! You know, that is a lot of fun!!

So I'm jogging, I'm singing to myself and I'm boxing, having a grand ole time. And as the 9:00 hour hit....I raised my arms, Rocky still, and hummed the theme song from the movie. I really felt triumphant. I did it! I put in the effort and did what I could do!

At this point, I'm too tired to recheck my stats on my Bugg. I thought, it is what it is, and whatever I get is good enough for me.

Well this morning, after the stat check, I clocked in at 10036 steps!!!! I hit my goal!! SO AWESOME!!!!

I made it happen....I actually did!! Me! Amazing!!!!

It's amazing what you can do when you set your mind to something!!!

Now on to another topic.

I really can't wait to sit in church, and when the topic of gluttony is preached, I can't wait for the day that I don't feel like hiding under my seat. Every time the Pastor talks about gluttony, I can feel my face turn bright red and I get all squirmy. I am sure I stand out like a sore thumb! Guilty!!! Guilty of over indulgence and gluttony. Unfortunately, I can't hide what I've done ~ I wear it on the outside. I hate it!!

One day, I will get to listen to a sermon about gluttony and instead of feeling guilt, I will feel accomplished that I over came that sin! Nuf said!

How about you ~ Are you working your plan?

Keep focused!!


  1. Congrats on making your steps goal :) I am still very interested in the body bugg...maybe next year for Christmas :)

  2. Great job! 10000 a day is a great goal!

  3. Seems a lot of us have focused in on April as the month to get some things accomplished. Watching your progress will be an encouragement to me and I hope the same goes for you.

    I've read such good things about the BodyBugg, but I personally like my much less technical pedometer that allows me to monitor my progress at any moment. I've worn a pedometer since July of 2006 and once you get a few months behind you, you'll begin to instinctively know how many steps you've walked. After almost five years, I believe I can say this is a habit I'll never break!

    Here's to us and a fantastic April!

  4. Hey, I just noticed your ticker: 57 down, 57 to go. You've hit the halfway mark. It's all downhill from here... Yay!!!
